HARRISBURG – Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) today is celebrating that more than $425,000 was awarded to fire and emergency medical services (EMS) companies in the 139th Legislative District through the 2024-25 Pennsylvania Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grant Program.
HARRISBURG – In response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $51.47 billion proposed budget for the 2025-26 fiscal year, Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike) today issued the following statement:
HARRISBURG – Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) and Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) today announced a $400,000 state grant has been awarded to help address the severe spongy moth infestation in Pike County. The two lawmakers worked with county officials to obtain the funding through the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).
HAWLEY – Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) announced today the Office of the Budget has awarded $3.5 million to the For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite Center at Woodloch. The funding is being awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).
HARRISBURG - Today, Reps. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne) and Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike), and Sens. Lisa Baker (R-Luzerne/Pike/Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming) and Rosemary Brown (R-Wayne/Lackawanna/Monroe) announced they helped to secure over $5 million in Local Share Account (LSA) grants and Public School Facility Improvement grants from the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) for projects throughout the counties where they share representation.
HAWLEY—Today, Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) and the House Republican Policy Committee, led by Chairman Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), convened a hearing to discuss the obstacles and opportunities facing Pennsylvania’s tourism industry. A 2024 report from the Pennsylvania Tourism Office found the Commonwealth’s tourism industry generated $76.7 billion in economic impact, supported 486,871 jobs and contributed $4.7 billion in state and local taxes in 2022.
WHAT: House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) and other lawmakers will host a hearing titled “Passport to Prosperity: Unleashing Pennsylvania’s Tourism Potential” to discuss the obstacles and opportunities facing Pennsylvania’s tourism industry.
HAWLEY – State Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Wayne/Pike) announced today staff from his district office will be available at the following locations to assist individuals:
HARRISBURG – State grants totaling $929,713 were awarded to local projects through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA), according to Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20) and Reps. Jonathan Fritz (R-111) and Jeff Olsommer (R-139).
HARRISBURG – In his first official act, newly sworn-in state Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) joined 100 of his House colleagues and signed the discharge resolution to get House Bill 891 out of the House State Government Committee.