Olsommer Signs Discharge Resolution to Advance Voter ID
May 21, 2024
HARRISBURG – In his first official act, newly sworn-in state Rep. Jeff Olsommer (R-Pike/Wayne) joined 100 of his House colleagues and signed the discharge resolution to get House Bill 891 out of the House State Government Committee.
House Bill 891 would allow voters to decide if the Pennsylvania Constitution should be amended to require identification each time someone exercises their right to vote. Currently, identification is only required the first time you vote in a new location.
“I’m proud to add my signature to this petition and stand with my colleagues to get this issue before the voters,” Olsommer said. “Trust in our election system is vital to the integrity of the process. It’s time we deliver this commonsense reform to Pennsylvanians.”
For nearly a year, this legislation has sat in committee. And that is despite multiple polls confirming that requiring identification to vote at each and every election is supported on a broad, bipartisan basis.
With today’s signature, the total number of signatures now stands at 101, 100 Republicans and one Democrat. According to House operating rules, for a discharge petition to be in order 25 members from each caucus must sign the petition, regardless of the total number of signees.
Representative Jeff Olsommer
139th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepOlsommer.com / Facebook.com/RepOlsommer
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